Transport Scheme

The committee are keen to re-introduce a programme of events to serve the needs of our members, whether an individual living with Parkinson’s, their carers, family or friends.

We are aware that the rising cost of living is having an impact on all of us and so the cost of travelling to meetings and/or events other than by taxi, might be an obstacle to some members preventing them from being able to fully participate and benefit from our programmes.

Accordingly, we have resolved to set aside a small fund to help those individuals with the cost of a taxi fare to attend meetings or any the activities that the Support Group run. 

If you are a member and a person living with Parkinson’s and/or an unpaid carer of that person and you are struggling to pay for a taxi/ community transport to get to the group's meetings and activities, then you may be able to obtain some financial help. 

We are unable to support the costs of engaging in any activities that are run independently of the NW Somerset Support Group, such as the weekly exercise classes. As our resources are limited, the fund will be reviewed in 6 months. 

It will be possible to apply for help to attend up to 6 meetings/activities per household per calendar year, provided there are enough funds available at the time.  If you live outside the North Somerset area or your journey (one way) is likely to be more than 30 miles then you should first check that the claim will be eligible for reimbursement. 

Approved claimants will be expected to pay for their taxi upfront and will be reimbursed on production of a valid receipt, via bank transfer.

If you would like more information about this scheme then please contact Sally-Ann Kodurand or Robert Brown.All applications will be treated in confidence.  

We hope this initiative will help our members to stay engaged with the group and to access the support that they need, but we do ask potential applicants to be mindful of others and consider not making an application if their financial circumstances allow them to fund their own transport costs.